Kids Church Update!

Hello Sound Family!

What a year 2023 has been! With this school year behind us, we wanted to take the time to bring some structure to Kid’s Church. We have been working hard to make this time with your kids a time to give them Jesus. You may have noticed that we are working on memorizing key points for the littles (Pre-K-3rd grade) and scripture for the bigs (4th–6th grade) earning points to spend at the store. Memorization slips will be handed to parents at pickup. On the third Sunday of the month following service, they will get an opportunity to visit the “store” and cash in on their hard work!

Kid’s Church is for 1 year olds through 6th grade. If your kiddo(s) have aged out, they now move on to Youth Group, meeting on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. at our building. As for Sundays, the youth now join the main service.

6th graders will have the option to stay as a kid in Kid’s Church OR attend main service and/or become a student helper, when there is volunteer space available. 

We are implementing a role for student helpers; students in 6th grade and up who would like to help in Kid’s Church.

Student helper responsibilities

– Memorize the memory points to be able to assist the kids in learning it.

– Lead the kids in the group activity for the day. Don’t worry, they won’t need to come up with this on their own; they will get the lesson in advance.

– Sit and serve. As student helpers, they are only able to serve twice a month at most, as we want to transition them into attending the adult service.

A few other housekeeping things

– 4th grade and up will join in on Ministry Sundays. (always the first Sunday of the month)

– When dropping off your kids, please limit your lingering. If they still need you after too long, we will find you.

– As a reminder, no fevers, diarrhea, or green boogies for 24 hours. Otherwise, please keep them home to rest and heal.

– Please, no outside toys.

It is a joy to love on and bring Jesus to your kids every week. Thank you for your help in making Kid’s Church a fun, safe, and Jesus-filled place for your kids.

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