Daily Sounding Board – 5/3/2020

Join in on our church wide reading plan through the Bible app by clicking here

  • Today’s reading:
    • 1 Chronicles 26-28

Conversation starters (use the comments below to answer and stay connected with others in the church)

  • What is your passion? Encourage the passions of others in the comments below.

6 thoughts on “Daily Sounding Board – 5/3/2020

  1. My passion is to inspire, educate and equip people to get healthy and fit. But there is this other passion that hasn’t quite fully emerged from my spirit. It is inspiring people to live with the greatness that is in them and to seek and find the giver of that greatness.

  2. My passion is to usher people who are dying into the presence of The King. Death is changing your address, Its walking outta here walking into Glory. I wanna walk with you.

  3. My passion is people. I love to encourage and motivate other, and remind them how deeply God lives them. I enjoy writing, especially writing to encourage. I also have a passion for mentoring and encouraging young worship leaders, reminding them thst our ministry doesn’t start when they begin to play or sing. It starts with our own personal worship time, and in our relationship with those we desire to lead into the throneroom of God.

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