The Year the World Went Home

Looking around at what is happening with all the fear, panic, and worry that seems to swirl around with the pollen, there are some silver linings. Or better yet – things I pray will come out of this.

  1. The need for community. Real, in person connection. I am now acutely aware of the fact that there is no substitute for connection. No matter how great technology is, (I too love technology, Kip) it can never replace people. 
  2. We often say, “Let’s hear it for the teachers!” But as I watch my daughter’s teacher manage a class of 7 & 8 year olds via Zoom, (with the skill of a ringmaster of a 14 screen visual circus, I might add) I sit back and silently applaud their skills, dedication, patience, and genuine love of teaching. While no stranger to homeschooling – this. is. different. And since we are on the topic, standing ovation to the families who homeschool on the regular! Masters of the class, home, and all the other things! Yay Teachers! 
  3. Dear little Lord Baby Jesus, may no one EVER AGAIN ask a stay-at-home parent what they did all day.

Sit back, look around, and take in all that you have built: your cozy home, your family, the life you have worked so hard for. Take this time to enjoy it. All of it. May thankfulness ever be on our hearts and pass it  on to our future. We are living history, this right now will be what our grandchildren will interview us about for their future school projects.

Grace to you.

4 thoughts on “The Year the World Went Home

  1. Amen ..
    This should be what the Israelites experienced the night of the Passover in Egypt. They were home waiting until it is over. Some waited with confidence that they will be OK while hearing the screaming Egyptian families losing their sons. Some were not so sure. In the end they (and we) were passed over. Thank you Lord.

  2. We are not meant to be isolated for sure.
    Can’t wait for this to be over. There has to be a lesson in all this chaos. What’s God saying in this hour? Purging of things that are weighing me down, sharing them with those that really need them. Taking time to listen to the birds singing, smelling the air, appreciation for all our teachers, nurses, grocery clerks. Looking and relating to the neighborhood around me. Yes I miss you all, however I know I am being purged of not just stuff but old ways, old thinking. Gods taking me back to the basics. (Sorry for rambling)

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